Adventures in Learning for Adults
Winter Term January 9-February 28, 2020
ZUMBA GOLD WITH RO - EXERCIZE IN DISGUIZE: Join Rochelle Lawandales and find your happy place as you dance your way to fitness, having fun, staying healthy while not even realizing you are exercising! This class is designed for everyone, but primarily those new to Zumba, returning to or starting an exercise program – or just wanting to shake it! Designed for “older” folks – this class will have you smiling and shaking.
FLORIDA GARDENING: This semester, we will get ready for spring. Florida is the first state to get to see the new seeds for the year. Companies are happy to present colorful and rare introductions for our gardening pleasure. If you are a seed catalog recipient, you may see them over the winter break. We will focus on garden landscapes this semester. Garden problems and questions are always welcome. Come join the conversation with Master Gardener, Jane Mandeville.
MAGIC FOR EVERYONE: Tom Sanders is again teaching this class for both beginners and the experienced. The class is aimed at anyone interested in entertaining grandchildren and family. The course will cover magic with cards, ropes, coins and other everyday items. Tom introduces new “tricks” each session, so you “old timers” can learn something new. Please bring a deck of “new” cards to the first class.
BASICS OF PERSONAL FINANCE: This course is designed for those new to investing who would like to more deeply understand some concepts related to budgeting, investing and planning. Rusty Stuart, financial advisor for Edward Jones, will explore areas many retirees utilize but would like to know more about. His eight-week lesson plan is as follows:
JAN 9 Rules of the Road
JAN 16 Ready or Not? Preparing for the Unexpected
JAN 23 Stocks: The Nuts and Bolts
JAN 30 Preparing Your Estate Plan with Attorney Scott Dixon
FEB 6 Focus on Fixed Income
FEB 13 What Happens After the Paycheck Stops
FEB 20 An Investors Tour of Mutual Funds
FEB 27 Tax Free Investing
THE OLD TESTAMENT - Seeing Jesus Through the Lens of the Old Testament: Most of us spend the majority of our Bible reading time in the New Testament and for good reason. If you want to know about Christianity, reading the words of Jesus is certainly a solid place to start. When it comes to the Old Testament, many Christians shy away from it, or look only at a few well-known sections. To us in the 21st Century, much of the Old Testament seems obscure, difficult and frankly boring. We struggle with the complex history, the diverse cultures, and the theological content contained with the Old Testament. The result is often a neglect of the Old Testament. Let’s fix that! Join Rev. Todd Schmidtetter of Holy Apostles Episcopal Church as he guides you through the Old Testament looking at the major themes and events that shape the Christian understanding of God, ourselves, and the world around us.
FIGURATIVE ARTISTS: Join Suza Talbot’s class as we examine four figurative artists. The perspective will be both literary and visual. This classical exercise referred to as Ecphrasis is an approach and process used by writers to use the visual arts as a stimulant to write. The four fantastic figurative artists are: Lucien Freud (Brit), Balthus (Fr), and two German Expressionist Artists: Oskar Kokoschka (Austria) and Edvard Munch (Nor), which influenced the development of art down through the ages to the present day. Materials will be supplied.
SCIENCE IN YOUR LIFE: Tom Sanders will lead this course that explores the physics of everyday events and is both informative and fun. It will lead us to a deeper understanding of the universe. It’s more than a course in physics, and more than a laundry list of "how things work!" In fact, it combines the two, offering a back-and-forth interplay between everyday applications of physics and the concepts needed to understand them.
CLASSIC NOVELS - Meeting the challenge of great literature: This course is not only a history of the novel, but also a look at the social, emotional and, artistic power of some famous novels. Some of the novels to be covered are: Moll Flanders, Tristan Shandy, Wuthering Heights, Moby Dick, and Bleak House. Leslie Johansen hopes that her “faithful” students will continue on this phase of their journey with her.
CREATIVE WRITING: Stephanie Andrews returns with her fascinating session on how to improve your writing skills. Stephanie is more than qualified to lead this class. She has been past president of Seaside Poets, author of first published book, “Memories of Wine & Poetry,”scriptwriter-cast Pigeons Picasso, Associate-John Campbell School, Associate-Atlantic Center for the Arts, and other literary activities. Join her class to partner with other writers, stretch, search, and solve the reason of words.
REDUCING GUN VIOLENCE IN AMERICA - a.k.a. Gun Control: Lecturers from the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University will provide us with the best available science and insights from top scholars across the country addressing the most effective way to reduce gun violence in our homes, schools, and communities. Joel Sturman will facilitate this course. Through this course, you will learn how to:
1. Appreciate the scope of gun violence and the importance of considering the issue across a variety of contexts.
2. Describe the role of law and policy in addressing gun violence at the federal, state, and local levels.
3. Compare the effectiveness of gun violence policies and highlight the importance of changing the way we talk about gun violence.
4. Describe state standards for civilian gun carrying and use and how those standards affect crime and violence.
5. Describe how firearm design is regulated, the effective and just enforcement of firearm laws, and strategies for reducing police-involved shootings.
6. Identify and explain evidence-based programs to reduce gun violence and understand public opinion on gun policy.
BUCKET LIST TRAVEL: Exotic international and domestic vacations have eluded most of us from completing our travel portfolios. There is a travel trend toward experiential travel. Fill your life with experiences and not things. Have stories to tell more than stuff to show. We will explore journeys from local to around the world by air, ship, motor coach or rail. If you want to request a specific topic or receive a syllabus, you can email your instructor, Lee Rosenkranz, CTC (Certified Travel Counselor) at travelinman920@aol.com or call 321-259-6300.
WHAT’S FOR DINNER?: Do you want to eat healthy meals, but find cooking at home too time consuming? Are you overwhelmed by the amount of food in most recipes? Would you like to prepare a variety of meals from ingredients in your own pantry? Then Cindy Dain, a.k.a. One Amazing Carrot can provide strategies and ideas to help you cook healthful meals for one, in a culture of two.
WHAT IN THE WORLD: Robin Cramp has traveled extensively throughout the world and lived overseas giving him a deep insight on how the U.S. is viewed by our friends and foes. His weekly sessions cover current events, and surveys the geographical limitations, political upheavals and economic struggles of these areas. Robin’s abounding professionalism and his enchanting British delivery causes this class to fill up rapidly. Even if you do not take this course, see Robin and sign up for his monthly newsletter on current world affairs.
THE SCIENCE OF MINDFULNESS MEDITATION: This course is a continuation of study of the science behind meditation as the path to well-being. Some topics to be covered are: Solitude, Sadness, and Transforming Chronic Pain. Each class will end with various forms of meditation practice. Come and join Leslie Johansen as we explore this fascinating practice.
INTRODUCTION TO THE SPANISH LANGUAGE: Señora Isabel Ochoa-Youssef will introduce us to easy Spanish phases and sayings in this session. If you are new to this language, this is the session for you. Basic terms such as days, time, counting, food, and travels are a few of the topics Isabel will cover. Isabel suggests you may want to purchase Spanish Made Simple. Some copies are available for purchase in class. Isabel will be continuing from the last term and begin on Lesson 6 which is a review and intro of vocabulary words for Chapters 1 through 5. New students will be expected to catch up from the beginning.
KNITTING: Come enjoy some conversation while knitting or crocheting. We will also try to throw in some new techniques such as making cables, adding beads or felting. Join Shannon Miller for this hour of fun while learning something new.
NEW TESTAMENT BIBLICAL HISTORY: The New Testament Biblical History lecture series analyzes the evolution of manuscripts written by men who held conflicting opinions of who Christ was. This will not be a theological discussion of biblical material. Lectures will go into detail on what, when, why and by whom the manuscripts were written, why some were accepted as canon and others rejected, and their impact on Christianity. The battles over what were deemed worthy of inclusion as Canon were complex and contentious as the basic concepts of Christianity slowly evolved over a period of almost 600 years. The entire lecture series consists of 36 lectures derived from two separate series of lectures, one on Lost Christianities, the other the Making of the New Testament Canon. Each lecture will consist of a PowerPoint presentation, followed by a half-hour video presentation by distinguished Professor Bart Ehrman of the University of North Carolina. Both series of videos narrated by Professor Ehrman were acquired from The Great Courses. Edward von Koenigseck will be presenting the lecture series. This eight-lecture term starts with Lecture 29 and ends with the last, 36th lecture of the series. However, all new attendees are welcomed and can benefit from the information provided in spite of having missed any or all of the previous 28 lectures.
INTRODUCTION TO THE UKULELE (Ukulele I): Ever want to learn to play a musical instrument such as a piano or guitar, but without much luck? Then the ukulele may be for you. Phil Gerace, your instructor for this class, will focus on those with little to no experience playing the ukulele. The course will include an introduction to ukulele history, playing fundamentals including basic chords, strumming, fretting techniques, and even on day one -- an easy song or two. The class will also cover guidelines on the purchase, care, tuning, and storing of your uke and includes free chords charts, tutorials, and song sheets. Bring your own uke, borrow one, or visit Balsa Bill’s Surf shop on A1A in Satellite Beach who has a supply of beginner’s ukes. Mention the Shepherd Center and receive 10% off the purchase price! Your class leader is Phil Gerace, a lifelong fan of the ukulele who will bring in several examples of different styles and size ukes from his personal collection for you to see and try.
STRETCH, STRENGTHEN, AND DE-STRESS: This multifaceted stretch and strengthening class is excellent for increasing joint mobility and muscle flexibility while building strength, stamina, balance and improving posture. You’ll be guided through a variety of exercises (both seated and standing), some using bands and light hand weights. The core strengthening component will focus on the principles of Pilates and many of the stretching exercises will be based on yoga poses. The class will end with a deep relaxation/meditation to promote mindfulness and reduce stress. Bring a pair of weights (1- 3 lbs.). (If you are new to weight training, you can use water bottles or soup cans until your strength increases). The class will be led by Sylvia Emmons MA, RN. Exercise Physiologist, certified Personal Trainer, certified Yoga Teacher and certified Pilates Instructor.
BEACHSIDE BOOK CLUB: Jan Case moderates this group and invites new members to join all the veterans for a fascinating hour. The group has selected the following contemporary books for the fall term:
WINTER 2020:
JAN 9 The Lost Girls of Paris by Pam Jenoff
JAN 16 Poetry with Stephanie Andrews
JAN 23 The Rooster Bar by John Grisham
JAN 30 Luncheon
FEB 6 The Library Book by Susan Orleans (nonfiction)
FEB 13 The Au Pair by Emma Rous
FEB 20 Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
FEB 27 Luncheon
CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH: Señora Isabel Ochoa-Youssef will offer, through the use of various modalities such as talking, reading and writing, experiences that will help you master and speak basic and intermediate Latin-American Spanish. Spanish has become the second language of many Americans especially here in Florida. Some knowledge is almost mandatory in south Florida. You have an opportunity to learn from a native of this language. Isabel suggests purchasing Spanish Made Simple. This term, the class will pick up at Lesson 32 with a review and introduction of vocabulary words for Chapters 28 to 31. New enrollees are responsible for “catching up” to this point.
ENNEAGRAM OF PERSONALITY TYPES: The Enneagram of Personality Types is a modern synthesis of a number of ancient wisdom traditions containing components from mystical Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism, and ancient Greek philosophy. Stemming from the Greek words ennea(nine) and grammos(a written symbol), the nine-pointed Enneagram symbol represents nine distinct personality types for relating to the self, others and the world. Each Enneagram type has a different pattern of thinking, feeling and acting that arises from a deeper inner motivation or worldview. Study of the Enneagram helps us to see ourselves at a more objective level and can be of invaluable assistance on our path of self-knowledge and in relationships. Join Marty Berry and Debra Bara as they enlighten you about hidden traits about yourself.
SIMPLIFIED TAI CHI: This short course in moving mindful meditation will give participants a complete tai chi routine to practice. Gentle but challenging online video support makes learning as easy as possible. Improve balance, reduce stress, and better respiration, tai chi is smart and safe exercise for even challenged joints. Led by ShiFu Lea Williamson, certified tai chi instructor for over 10 years, and founder of BeachsideQigong.com.
PHILOSOPHY OF HUMOR II: Take My Course, Please! The Philosophy of Humor by Professor Steven Gimbel of Gettysburg College. In the last decade, the philosophy of humor has become a recognized subfield of the academic discipline of philosophy. The middle section of the course is dedicated to what philosophers call humor theory. The foundational questions for this section include: What is humor? What makes a joke a joke? Is it possible to determine parameters that make a given utterance an act of humor? These lectures look at the work of philosophers, both ancient and contemporary, and examines different philosophical accounts of humor. Robert Wooten will moderate the presentation of the second section of these lectures from The Great Courses. Topics in this section include: Theories of Humor; Superiority Theory; Inferiority Theory; Play Theory; Relief Theory; Incongruity Theory; Cleverness Theory; and Humor Theory Revisited.
INTERMEDIATE UKULELE (Ukulele 2): While the Ukulele 1 class is for beginners and focuses on the mechanics of playing, the Level 2 course immediately following it puts those new skills to further use by refining playing techniques and developing more advanced skills in keeping with the classes’ ability level. This class is intended for players who have a firm grasp of fundamentals and are already comfortable playing in a group. The instructors, Tom Kirk and Linda Paul will focus on increasing essential playing skills such as new strumming patterns and tempos. The advancing beginner will play songs with more and more difficult chord structures with players who may be more advanced. They may also be exposed to instruments of greater quality that often accompany increased skill levels.
POSTURCIZE: Learn a fun, simple to do exercise routine that will strengthen your muscles for good posture and improve joint movement. Look and feel great, keep fit, and prevent pain! This session is led by Janet Harazda, a Registered Nurse (FL 936802) and Licensed Massage Therapist (MA24421) specializing in Hoshino Therapy©, a manual technique and body of practical knowledge for the rejuvenation of overused or stressed tendons. Wear loose comfortable clothing and bring an exercise mat.
TRIVIA: You asked, and we brought back this exciting game! Teams will have a great time trying to remember songs from their youth (distant past), and try to answer trivia questions on travel, geography, history, current events, literature, etc. Want to have great fun, laugh, be challenged and rewarded, then come join the game. Fran Bingnear will be your host with the most!
HAVING FUN COOKING WITH ROSI: Be one of the twenty people who get accepted for this class. Due to the small size of the kitchen, registration is limited. Rosi Oberlaender has traveled all over the world and has accumulated many delightful recipes and culinary tidbits along her journeys. Rosi’s cooking talents are renowned locally and she is willing to cook for us and share her recipes.
GET TO KNOW YOUR iPHONE: Join Debbie Olinick for this new class on how to use your iPhone. This will be a beginner’s session on the functions of the iPhone. She will be discussing email, apps and other tutorials on how to understand and use all that the iPhone has to offer. Debbie will show you how this instrument can put your desktops in your pocket. Many of you have asked for this class, and we are fortunate to have Debbie who has the knowledge, experience, and ability to teach us how.
PHOTOGRAPHY SKILLS FOR BEGINNERS: Join Nancy Williamson to explore photography basics and improve your results. There will be an emphasis on family and travel photography. Please bring your camera (phone, tablet, point and shoot camera, or something more sophisticated) to the first class.
LINE DANCING: Join Vicki Little as she, once again, leads us in fun and exercise with Line Dancing. This is a class for both the beginner and the experienced since Vicki introduces something new each week. One of the joys of Line Dancing is it requires no partner, so come join the fun of this low impact exercise.
THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR: This session will look at the events that shocked the world as the Thirteen Colonies defeated the super European power of Eighteenth Century England. We will discuss the events leading to the war, the important leaders of both sides, the major battles, and the final outcome. Bill Ross, a retired history teacher of forty years, will be the instructor for the class.
GREAT ARTISTS OF THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE - PART 5: Faithful followers of this class will complete our final lectures of the Italian Renaissance. This winter session, we will complete our long "Renaissance journey" in four weeks. The second half of the term will be devoted to some "surprise lectures" from some of our previous favorites. New participants with an interest in art: paintings, sculpture, architecture (plus always interesting information about other countries, history, and culture) should join us to see a sample of other favorite artists and their works. Try it, you'll like it! Great Courses - Lecturer Dr. William Kloss. Facilitator - Regina Scott
iPAD FOR BEGINNERS: Join Nancy Dennee for a class on the basics of operating and enjoying your iPad. We’ll talk about basic settings, download an app and a book, take a picture or two, check out email and contacts, and learn how to organize your home page. This is a very basic course for owners of iPads - sorry but we won't be discussing any other tablets. The iPad has changed quite a lot in the last two years so most of our discussions will relate to iPad system 12 and later. Bring your curiosity and your iPad to this class.
QUILLING: Jeanie Grabka will be introducing us to a new art form - Quilling, which is the art of rolling narrow pieces of paper, forming shapes and gluing them closed. The shapes are then put together to make earrings, greeting card, pictures or mobiles. The class will make several projects; your imagination is all that is needed. Bring a small pair of scissors and a 12" ruler. Paper, quilling tool and glue will be provided. More on what Quilling is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quilling.
BEGINNING BRIDGE - THIS IS A TWO (2) HOUR CLASS: Marie Gerlach’s session is for those who have never played or need to relearn a lost skill. PLEASE, this is a class for beginning players, not a place for the experienced to practice. Marie will cover the basics: bidding, responding, making a plan, conventions, and practice…practice…practice!
HOW OUR GOVERNMENT SHOULD WORK: As a former history and civics teacher, Mike Vogt returns to the classroom to refresh your knowledge of basic government civics that you studied in your youth. He will begin the class discussing current events of the week then applying those actions to the timeless systems and processes that are governed by the U.S. Constitution and its many controversial amendments. This term will look at our English rule from colonial times and why our founding fathers formed the Constitution that we still live by today. Also, the judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government will be closely examined.
GAMES PEOPLE PLAY: Come on down! Once again, Donna Noeske will conduct this three-ring circus of games. Rummikub, Dominoes and cards are some of the games from our past times that can once again be enjoyed. Do not delay since class size is limited and it fills up quickly. Come join the fun - let’s do it again!
YOGA STRETCH: Want to improve balance, coordination, and flexibility? Then come join Diane Nelson for another of her popular sessions. Each term, she adds something new and this term will be no different. All levels are welcome. Bring your yoga mat and come stretch with us.
Mah Jongg is a tile-based game that originated in China during the Qing Dynasty. It is commonly played with four players, and is a game of skill, strategy, calculation and involves a degree of chance. Judy Carr will be the primary instructor for these limited size classes.
BUILDING A NATION: This class will cover the time period from the Revolutionary War up to and including the presidency of Andrew Jackson. The topics to be discussed will be the Great Compromise, the Louisiana Purchase, Manifest Destiny, the War of 1812, the Monroe Doctrine, and the presidency of Andrew Jackson. Bill Ross will be the instructor, a former history teacher for 40 years.
LINE DANCING – INTERMEDIATE: This class is mainly for those folks with skill levels well above “Beginners.” However, Vicki Little wants you to know all are welcome. This session takes the joy of Line Dancing to another level with our resident “pro” Vicki, leading the way. Come join us and have FUN!
Saturday, FEBRUARY 22
WATERCOLORS: Accomplished watercolorist, Ed Carlson, will instruct you to paint bright and fresh watercolors with a limited palette. Drawing skills are not required. Ed will briefly discuss watercolor theory and demonstrate some of his techniques. Following, Ed will guide you step by step in creating a masterpiece for you to hang on your wall at home. All supplies are provided.
Couples Dancing will be on 7 Saturdays! JANUARY 11, 18, 25, FEBRUARY 1, 8, 15, 29
COUPLES DANCING: This class will give students an introduction into couples dancing. Bill and Vicki Little will have you begin with the Two Step/Swing which is done in most country dance halls. You will do the basic step, intro into the importance of frame and how to determine the beat of the music. They will progress into some very basic movements that will allow the students to do some real dancing. If time permits, Bill and Vicki may try to introduce you to some other fun and simple couples dancing that is performed in the local area. Flip flops and sandals are not permitted as you can easily fall.