Adventures in Learning for Adults
Spring Term April 4-May 24, 2019
ZUMBA GOLD WITH RO - EXERCIZE IN DISGUIZE: Join Rochelle Lawandales and find your happy place as you dance your way to fitness, having fun, staying healthy while not even realizing you are exercising! This class is designed for everyone, but primarily those new to Zumba, returning to or starting an exercise program – or just wanting to shakeit! Designed for “older” folks – this class will have you smiling and shaking.
FLORIDA GARDENING: This semester we'll discuss plants that will live though the heat of our summer. Now is the time to fertilize lawns before the summer rains put your fertilizer in the lagoon and not where it’s supposed to be. Join us for conversation on what went right in your yard and what didn’t. Yes, you can grow a few vegetables in your yard or in pots without tending them in the heat. Jane Mandeville is a Master Gardener for 22 years with the Florida Department of Agriculture, a lifetime member of Indian Harbour Beach Garden club and past president of the South Brevard Garden Club.
HISTORY OF CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY: Tom Sanders will lead this new course using The Great Courses DVD titled “The History of Christian Theology.” The course will survey the Gospels and the writings of Peter and Paul that have led to present Christian Doctrine. There will be detailed discussions of how the early church fathers developed the doctrine of some of the most fundamental beliefs of all Christian religions.
BASICS OF PERSONAL FINANCE: This course is designed for those new to investing who would like to more deeply understand some concepts related to budgeting, investing and planning. Rusty Stuart, financial advisor for Edward Jones, will explore areas many retirees utilize, but would like to know more about. His seven-week lesson plan is as follows:
April 4 Rules of the Road
April 11 Planning your Estate Plan with Scott Dixon, Attorney
April 18 NO CLASS
April 25 Ready or Not? Preparing for the Unexpected
May 2 Stocks: The Nuts & Bolts
May 9 Focus on Fixed Income
May 16 An Investors Tour of Mutual Funds
May 23 Tax-Free Investing
SCIENCE OF THE HUBBLE TELESCOPE: Tom Sanders will lead this video course using a DVD series called "Experiencing Hubble: Understanding the Greatest Images of the Universe.” During this course, we will see some of the most spectacular images taken by Hubble and will learn the science behind what made those images. In these eight weeks, we will discuss many fascinating aspects of the universe including the topics of how stars and galaxies are formed. Please join us for this fascinating adventure.
HOW TO READ AND UNDERSTAND SHAKESPEARE: William Shakespeare is considered the greatest writer of his age - perhaps of all time. However, how many of us know how to engage a Shakespearean play? The fact of the matter is that his plays can be difficult. This course seeks to make Shakespeare understandable to the general reader. Shakespeare himself, in his plays, gives us the tools we need to help us to read and understand his works. Professor Marc C. Conner will lead us through this course, moderated by Leslie Johansen. This term, she will cover Hamlet, Merchant of Venice, Measure for Measure, The Tempest, and we will review the tools needed to read and understand all of Shakespeare’s plays.
KNIT ONE, PURL TWO: Want to learn to knit? Need to refreshan art you once knew? Do you enjoy great conversation? Join Shannon Miller, her many loyal friends, and accomplish it all. Bring your knitting and enjoy the companionship. If you have problems with knitting, the experienced knitters can help.
MINDFUL MOVEMENT: This class will include a blend of gentle mindful movements including stretching, strengthening, breathing practices, meditation and deep relaxation. The class will be led by Sylvia Emmons, an Exercise Physiologist and Registered Nurse with certifications in Yoga and Pilates.
CREATIVE WRITING: Stephanie Andrews returns with her fascinating session on how to improve your writing skills. Stephanie is more than qualified to lead this class. She has been past president of Seaside Poets, author of first published book, “Memories of Wine & Poetry,”scriptwriter-cast Pigeons Picasso, Associate-John Campbell School, Associate-Atlantic Center for the Arts and other literary activities. Join her class to partner with other writers, stretch, search, and solve the reason of words.
WHAT IN THE WORLD: Robin Cramp has traveled extensively throughout the world and lived overseas giving him a deep insight on how the U.S. is viewed by our friends and foes. His weekly sessions cover current events, and surveys the geographical limitations, political upheavals and economic struggles of these areas. Robin’s abounding professionalism and his enchanting British delivery causes this class to fill up rapidly. Even if you do not take this course, see Robin and sign up for his monthly newsletter on current world affairs.
THE SCIENCE OF MINDFULNESS: Join us as we look at the latest science behind the success of Mindfulness Meditation. Dr. Ronald D. Siegel will lecture about why mindfulness works so well and is so beneficial to our well-being. Leslie Johansen will moderate and lead us through various meditation practices. We will continue in our study of the research into the field of mindfulness as a path to well-being. This term, the topics covered will be: addiction, trauma, mindfulness-based programs, wisdom, and happiness. We will end each class with meditation practice.
INTRODUCTION TO THE SPANISH LANGUAGE: Señora Isabel Ochoa-Youssef will introduce us to easy Spanish phases and sayings in this session. If you are new to this language, this is the session for you. Basic terms such as days, time, counting, food, and travels are a few of the topics Isabel will cover. Isabel suggests you may want to purchase Spanish Made Simple. Some copies are available for purchase in class.
THE GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL LIFE: Living the good and beautiful life takes attention to practices that lead to spiritual health and growth. Participants in this class will use James Bryan Smith's book, The Goodand Beautiful Life, to learn and engage in practices such as hospitality, play, keeping "down time," limiting media use, prayer, service to others, and living simply. “Pastor Tim” Rogers-Martin and the class will encourage one another to become better and more whole persons. Pastor Tim is a lifelong learner who values growing together in community. He serves this community through Eastminster Presbyterian Church.
GIANTS OF THE INTERNET INDUSTRY: This will be a series of lectures about the evolution of the Internet from the days of early computers, TV, books and records, to the media and data-streaming players (iPod, iPHONE, iPAD, Kindle, Nook, Echo, etc.)we know today. It is mostly a non-technical historydescribing the struggle of the Internet services and entertainment industries to preserve their intellectual business assets through the onslaught of today’s on-going technology revolution. Lectures are conducted by Dr. Randel Picker, a Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Chicago. You will learn from a “non-technical person”to view today’s technology revolution from the point of view of the FCC, the FTC, and the Department of Justice. Lectures will be facilitated by Joel Sturman.
BEACHSIDE BOOK CLUB: Jan Case moderates this group and invites new members to join all the veterans for a fascinating hour. The group has selected the following contemporary books for the spring term:
SPRING 2019:
April 4 Sons and Loversby D H Lawrence
April 11 Cabinet of Curiosities by Douglas J. Preston
April 18 NO CLASS
April 25 Factfulness NF by Hans Rosling
May 2 HerFearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger
May 9 Elevation by Stephen King
May 16 Virgil Wanderby Leif Enger
CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH: Señora Isabel Ochoa-Youssef will offer, through the use of various modalities such as talking, reading and writing, experiences that will help you master and speak basic and intermediate Latin-American Spanish. Spanish has become the second language of many Americans especially here in Florida. Some knowledge is almost mandatory in south Florida. You have an opportunity to learn from a native of this language. Isabel suggests purchasing Spanish Made Simple. This term, the class will pick up at Lesson 26. New enrollees are responsible for “catching up” to this point.
NEW TESTAMENT BIBLICAL HISTORY: The New Testament Biblical History lecture series analyzes the evolution of manuscripts written by men who held conflicting opinions of who Christ was, what His message was, and what His words meant to mankind. This will not be a theological discussion of biblical material. Lectures will go into detail on what, when, why and by whom the manuscripts were written, why some were accepted as canon and others rejected, and their impact on Christianity. The battles over what were deemed worthy of inclusion as canon were complex and contentious as the basic concepts of Christianity slowly evolved over a period of almost 600 years. The entire lecture series consists of 36 lectures derived from two separate series of lectures, one on Lost Christianities, the other the Making of the New Testament Canon. Each lecture will consist of a PowerPoint presentation, followed by a half-hour video presentation by distinguished Professor Bart Ehrman of University of North Carolina. Both series of videos narrated by Professor Ehrman were acquired from The Great Courses. Edward von Koenigseck will be presenting the entire lecture series.
POSTURCIZE: Learn a fun, simple to do exercise routine that will strengthen your muscles for good posture and improve joint movement. Look and feel great, keep fit, and prevent pain! This session is led by Jan Harazda, a Registered Nurse (FL 936802) and Licensed Massage Therapist (MA24421) specializing in Hoshino Therapy©, a manual technique and body of practical knowledge for the rejuvenation of overused or stressed tendons. Wear loose comfortable clothing and bring an exercise mat.
BEGINNING BRIDGE Part 2: THIS IS A TWO (2) HOUR CLASS. The beginner’s bridge class is usually targeted for those who have never played before. However, because the instructor will have to miss several sessions, the course, this term, will be condensed, and targeted to previous students who want a review before moving on to the intermediate class, or to players who want to relearn a lost skill. Please note, this is not a place for the experienced to practice. Marie Gerlach will review the basics: bidding, responding, making a plan, conventions, and practice…practice…practice!
GET TO KNOW YOUR iPHONE: Join Debbie Olinick for this class on how to use your iPhone. This will be a beginner’s session on the functions of the iPhone. She will be discussing email, apps and other tutorials on how to understand and use all that the iPhone has to offer. Many of you have asked for this class, and we are fortunate to have Debbie who has the knowledge, experience, and ability to teach us how. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AN APPLE iPHONE AND NOT AN ANDROID.
WOMEN’S RISE IN POLITICS: You may remember Barbara Conkle from her previous terms teaching the class, American Women. She’s back with a dynamic and current events subject. Barbara will delve into the history of American women from the suffrage movement to present day women in politics. It started one day in 1917 when Jeannette Rankin served as the first woman in Congress, and today, 127 women are seated in Congress and multiple women are running for President of the United States. Join Barbara as she explores this hundred-year journey of women in politics.
TRIVIA: You asked, and we brought back this exciting game! Teams will have a great time trying to remember songs from their youth (distant past), and try to answer trivia questions on travel, geography, history, current events, literature, etc. Want to have great fun, laugh, be challenged and rewarded, then come join the game. Fran Bingnear will be your host with the most!
HAVING FUN COOKING WITH ROSI: Be one of the twenty people who get accepted for this class. Due to the small size of the kitchen, registration is limited. Rosi Oberlaender has traveled all over the world and has accumulated many delightful recipes and culinary tidbits along her journeys. Rosi’s cooking talents are renowned locally and she is willing to cook for us and share her recipes.
LINE DANCING: Join Vicki Little as she, once again, leads us in the fun and exercise that is Line Dancing. This is a class for both the beginner and the experienced since Vicki introduces something new each week. One of the joys of Line Dancing is it requires no partner, so come join the fun of this low impact exercise.
THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR: This session will look at the events that shocked the world as the Thirteen Colonies defeated the super European power of Eighteenth-Century England. We will discuss the events leading to the war, the important leaders of both sides, the major battles, and the final outcome. Bill Ross, a retired history teacher of forty years, will be the instructor for the class.
GREAT ARTISTS OF THE ITALIAN RENAISSANCE: Enjoy visits to various locations in Italy to enjoy all the aspects and beauty of Renaissance Art. This term, we see examples of beloved masters: Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Raphael will be covered extensively. We will continue to see unique, beautiful works: portraits, altarpieces, sculpture, history paintings, Madonnas, and even a visit to the Sistine Chapel! Everyone is welcome. Join us for the first time or return as a loyal participant. The Great Coursesfacilitator is Regina Scott.
iPAD FOR BEGINNERS: Join Nancy Dennee for a class on the basics of operating and enjoying your iPad. Nancy will teach you how to turn it on and off, charge the battery, and glance at settings. Then she will discuss email and contacts, download an app, and learn how to organize your apps, photos, and your music. This is a very basic course for owners of iPads - sorry but we won't be discussing any other tablets. Bring your curiosity and your iPad to this class.
HOW TO WRITE AND PUBLISH YOUR FIRST NOVEL: Jim Nelson wrote his first novel at the age of 60. He now has seven full length novels published. This course will show you how to utilize the five essential novel writing components to create your first book. You will learn how to develop characters, how to structure your scenes to maximize reader involvement, and how to turn your initial premise into a 300 + page work. More about Jim can be found at https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4749177.James_R_Nelson.
INTERMEDIATE BRIDGE: THIS IS A TWO (2) HOUR CLASS. This class is ideal for improving your bridge playing skills. It’s desired to have some bridge basics before enrolling in this course. Veteran bridge player Bill Ross will begin by reviewing beginning bridge using the Goren methods. In the remainder of the term, Bill will teach the following skills: Blackwood and Stayman conventions, Jacoby transfer, Weak 2’s bidding, Negative doubles and overcalls, and Rule of 11.
HOW OUR GOVERNMENT SHOULD WORK: As a former history and civics teacher, Mike Vogt returns to the classroom to refresh your knowledge of basic government civics that you studied in your youth. He will discuss the timeless systems and processes that are governed by the U.S. Constitution and its many controversial amendments. This term will look at our English rule from colonial times and why our founding fathers formed the Constitution that we still live by today. Also, the judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government will be closely examined.
MAH JONGG: Mah Jongg is a tile-based game that originated in China during the Qing Dynasty. It is commonly played with four players, and is a game of skill, strategy, calculation and involves a degree of chance. Judy Carr will be the instructor for this limited size class.
YOGA STRETCH: Want to improve balance, coordination, and flexibility? Then come join Diane Nelson for another of her popular sessions. Each term, she adds something new and this term will be no different. All levels are welcome. Bring your yoga mat and come stretch with us.
GAMES PEOPLE PLAY: Donna Noeske is back! Once again, she will conduct this three-ring circus of games. Rummikub, Dominoes and cards are some of the games from our past times that can once again be enjoyed. Do not delay since class size is limited and it fills up quickly. Come join the fun - let’s do it again!
EASY AS PIE SPANISH: Bernice Roth is back and ready to have fun with a language which you may have no prior knowledge. Learn basic greetings, salutations, polite forms of address, common expressions involving colors, numbers, days of the week, months, and directions. Bernice has been with us for a number of years and her sessions are always fun. Many folks return since she “does it right.”
LINE DANCING – INTERMEDIATE: This class is mainly for those folks with skill levels well above “Beginners.” However, Vicki Little wants you to know all are welcome. This session takes the joy of Line Dancing to another level with our resident “pro” Vicki, leading the way. Come join us and have FUN