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Spring 2025 Registration is now open

Registration Directions:

Online Registration:  This method is easy and guarantees your class enrollment if you take advantage of the early enrollment period.  After you have reviewed Thursday's and Friday's class schedule, just click on the REGISTRATION tab on the menu bar and select ONLINE REGISTRATION at the drop-down selection box.  When the automated form appears, type in the required personal information, select your classes with a click of your mouse, and then click on SUBMIT at the bottom of the page.  Clicking SUBMIT (ONLY ONCE PLEASE) is very important.  You won't be registered unless you select the SUBMIT with your mouse.  You will get a confirmation email from the Shepherd's Center that your registration has been received.  You have to follow up by mailing the class fee of $20.00 within seven (7) calendar days to hold your seat.  Mail to: Shepherd's Center; 1053 Pinetree Dr.; Indian Harbour Beach, FL 32937.

In the NAME section, be sure to type the name you want on your personalized class name tag.

Please click the SUBMIT button only once when you register; multiple clicks eats up our forms allotment.  After you submit your form, it appears that a blank screen appears.  It's really not blank after you scroll up quite a bit to find out that your online registration has been accepted.
                                                        Thank You!
                                         Your submission has been received.

If you do NOT get a confirmation email of your classes then do not presume you are enrolled. You may have to go through the entire process again.  There have been a few instances where a check has been received but there was no tie back to a fully completed registration making it difficult to trace the registrant's choice of classes.  So please, insure you receive a confirmation email after you have submitted the online registration form.

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