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Adventures in Learning for Adults
NANCY DENNEE (iPad for Beginners; Games People Play; Christmas Fun, Crafty Corner) was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois; graduating from the University of Dayton with a degree in Elementary Education and her Master's degree from Northeastern Illinois University. She married her college sweetheart, Terry, traveling the world for a short time with the Navy. After living in California, where daughter Number One was born, Nancy and Terry were stationed in the Philippines, and then in London, where daughter Number Two was born. Finally after 8 years of service, the Dennee family settled in Chicago where daughter Number Three made her appearance. Fast forward to the present. After 37 years in Satellite Beach, having lost Terry to cancer 19 years ago, and her three daughters to marriage and babies, she happily retired after teaching for 20 years in Brevard County. She keeps busy volunteering, teaching at Shepherd Center, reading, and traveling to visit her 6 grandchildren and the world. Yes, she did ride a camel in Morocco!
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