Adventures in Learning for Adults
9:00 AM
WHAT IN THE WORLD: Robin Cramp has traveled extensively throughout the world and lived overseas giving him a deep insight on how the U.S. is viewed by our friends and foes. His weekly sessions cover current events, and surveys the geographical limitations, political upheavals, and economic struggles of these areas. Robin’s abounding professionalism and his enchanting British delivery causes this class to fill up rapidly. Even if you do not take this course, see Robin and sign up for his monthly newsletter on current world affairs.
CRAFTY CORNER: This session, Bernadette, Margaret, and Nancy will be all about Angels. Christmas angels, angels to sit on your table or mantel, angels you can hang on your tree, or angels to give as gifts. We’ll be doing a tiny bit of sewing, a little bit of hot glueing, some combing of macrame cords, and a wee bit of folding, well lots of folding! So, if you enjoy creating crafts, or in this case angels, or might be intrigued by our mention of folding or combing, and like a bit of friendly chatter, join the Crafty Corners this session.
MAGIC FOR EVERYONE: Tom Sanders is again teaching this class for both beginners and the experienced. The class is aimed at anyone interested in entertaining grandchildren and family. The course will cover magic with cards, ropes, coins and other everyday items. Tom introduces new “tricks” each session, so you “ol timers” can learn something new. Please bring a deck of “new” cards to the first class.
POSTURCIZE: Learn a fun and simple exercise routine that will strengthen your muscles for good posture and improve joint movement. Look and feel great, keep fit, and prevent pain! This session is led by Janet Harazda a Registered Nurse (FL 936802) and Licensed Massage Therapist (FL Lic. # MA24421) and a retired registered nurse specializing in Hoshino Therapy©, a manual technique and body of practical knowledge for the rejuvenation of overused or stressed tendons. Wear loose comfortable clothing.
10:00 AM
THE BIBLE 101: In this class, we will look at each book of the Bible in-depth. Using some resources from The Bible Project, we will explore the major themes, historical understandings, and significance of each book. This class will be a continuing class for the next several semesters until we've explored every book of the Bible. The course instructor/moderator is our Eastminster host, Rev. Dr. Rob White who is making his debut teaching appearance at Shepherd’s Center-Beachside.
SCIENCE - CONCEPTS of MODERN PHYSICS: This semester we will explore the concepts of Relativity as described by Albert Einstein. We will explore the concepts of black holes, gravitational waves and dark energy. We will learn about the many theories that Einstein got right and the few that he got wrong. The course moderator is Tom Sanders.
FLORIDA GARDENING: This semester we will continue making our homes and yards the happy Florida place we love. High temperatures may have caused trouble in the garden. Let’s learn about the plants that do well with less attention. Native plants are our best bet. This is a conversational class. We learn best from each other. Bring your plant problems and we'll try to solve them. This is an interactive class with Jane Mandeville, a master gardener with the Department of Agriculture.
SPANISH CONVERSATION FOR BEGINNERS: In a supportive learning environment, Isabel Ochoa-Youssef , a retired New York City Teacher, will guide you through a series of short stories and grammar to help you develop conversational skills in this important language. The required textbook Spanish Made Simple by Eugene Jackson and Antonio Rubio, revised by Judith Neimethy, is your companion (available for purchase in class at a reduced cost). This semester, we will be immersing ourselves in chapters 12 to 16.
KNITTING: Come join Shannon Miller and a great group of ladies knitting and chatting! Update your knitting skills, if necessary, and have fun! Crocheters are also welcome.
THE REAL AMERICAN FOUNDING: This course consists of a conversation between Professors Thomas West and David Azerrad. Topics include, Equality and the Natural Law, Rights and Consent, Foreign and Domestic Policy, Morality and Virtue, Sex and Marriage, Property Rights and Economics. Speakers explain the natural rights theory of the American Founding, including equality, the laws of nature, the social compact, and consent; it explores the concrete ways the Founders sought to secure the rights of citizens through the enforcement of these rights, and it examines the ways in which we have abandoned this older understanding for a new theory of justice and government today. The course will be facilitated by Joel Sturman.
11: 00 AM
INTERMEDIATE CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH: Join Isabel Ochoa-Youssef , a retired New York City Teacher who will guide you through a series of short stories and grammar to add to your conversational and fluency skills in this important language. The required textbook Spanish Made Simple by Eugene Jackson and Antonio Rubio, revised by Judith Neimethy. This semester, we will explore chapters 39 to 44, focusing on practical, real-life scenarios. Some Spanish background is required as new enrollees are responsible for “catching up” to this point. Recommended but not required: Madrigal’s Magic Key to Spanish, A Creative and Proven Approach by Margarita Madrigal, with original illustrations by Andy Warhol. Either of these books may be purchased in class at a reduced rate.
S.S.S. (Strength, Stamina and Stability): Join Wendy Simpson to improve your overall fitness. Simple movements like marching will get the blood pumping and strength exercises will build muscle endurance and strength. Also included will be exercises to improve your balance and stretches for the entire body. Most of the class can be performed in a chair, if needed.
BEGINNING UKULELE (Ukulele I): Karen Enderle will lead participants through their first steps of their ukulele adventure. Participants will be taught some history, the parts of the uke, how to hold the uke, tuning, strumming, some basic music theory, 21 basic chords and simple chord songs. The focus will be on using proper basic techniques and developing the groundwork to promote improvement.
Participants should bring a smile, their ukulele, a tuner, pencil, a one inch 3 ring binder with paper, and a willingness to learn to play and to sing at each class. All learning materials will be given by email. Participants must print, put them in their binder, and bring to class. Participants should be willing to practice at least 15 minutes per day to master the lessons. Class prerequisites include a valid email address and the ability to print lesson materials delivered by email.
INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL ADVENTURES (AND MISADVENTURES) Part IV: Do you have a serious case of wanderlust? Whether you are an independent, group or armchair adventurer, come and enjoy! A couple travel junkies will share experiences on how to save money, stay safe and have the adventure of a lifetime. Each class will focus on a different destination. The Fall 2024 lineup includes: Peru; Estonia; Chengdu, China; Stockholm vs Copenhagen; Tibet; Andalusia; Japan; and Going Dutch. In addition, information will be provided on “Travel Hacks” (air tags, home exchanges, mobile passports, google flights, jet lag, car rentals, credit cards, insurance, currency exchange, etc.). The presenters are academic colleagues and bring very different approaches to travel. Stan Helm spent eleven summers teaching graduate courses in China and has traveled worldwide. Bob Cox is the retired director of Webster University’s Melbourne campus, an adjunct for Barry University and has enjoyed many international adventures.
C.S. LEWIS and THE CHRONICLES of NARNIA: Join Leslie Johansen as she travels with us through the Kingdom of Narnia. Author, Theologian, and Philosopher, C.S. Lewis takes us on a journey of adventure from the inception of the idea of Narnia through this seven-book series. Think this series is just for children? Think again! Suggested prerequisite for this class is a viewing of the movie, Shadowlands. It is available on Amazon Prime and other streaming platforms.
12: 00 AM
BEYOND BEGINNER UKULELE (Ukulele II): Karen Enderle will continue to lead participants along their ukulele journey. Participants will review and expand upon ukulele I basics as they explore Beatles’ songs. The focus will be on using proper basic techniques and developing the groundwork to promote improvement. Students will play different chord variations, chord patterns, strums, riffs and beginning finger picking as they play the different Beatle songs. A bit of music theory for the ukulele will also be covered. Participants will improve their own abilities as they learn to play, sing and listen to each other. Each participant will choose a song – any song they want – to play and sing (alone, duet, trio or group) on the last class day open mic.
Participants should bring a smile, their ukulele, a tuner, pencil, a one inch 3 ring binder with paper, and a willingness to learn to play and to sing at each class. All learning materials will be given by email. Participants must print them, put in their binder, and bring to class. Participants should be willing to practice at least 15 minutes per day to master the lessons. Class prerequisites include Ukulele I (or knowledge of the basic 21 chords and strumming) a valid email address and the ability to print lesson materials delivered by email.
BEACHSIDE BOOK CLUB: Joanne Birnberg leads this group and invites new members to join all the veterans for a fascinating hour. The group has selected the following contemporary books for the fall term:
FALL 2024:
OCT 3 Cross Creek, Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
OCT 10 Slaughterhouse Five, Kurt Vonnegut
OCT 17 Tom Lake, Ann Patchett
OCT 24 James, Percival Everett
OCT 31 The Women, Kristin Hannah
NOV 7 The Secret Lives of Booksellers and Libraians: True Stories of the Magic of Reading, James Patterson
NOV 14 The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, James McBride
NOV 21 Book Club Luncheon
BEGINNING FRENCH II: This class is a continuation of last term and will be taught by Danyele Murchison, experienced French teacher with over 20 years of experience, born and raised in France. “At the beginner level, Danyele will emphasize simple conversations. Everyone will participate as it will be fun and lively. Homework given at the end of the class. No book required. Please bring a notebook reserved for your French lessons.” If you have ever had any past lessons in French, come and build upon your limited knowledge.
WORLD RELIGIONS: WISDOM FROM AROUND PLANET EARTH: Bob Cox invites you to explore the similarities and differences of the major world religions. This fascinating journey will begin with the Western traditions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam and move to the Eastern Traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Religions bring an obligation to explore ultimate questions such as: Why are we here? What meaning is there in life? What is our purpose? What happens when we die? Why is there a current move away from religion, while embracing spirituality? Comparing the similarities and differences put forward by the World’s Wisdom traditions will provide a lively odyssey! Each class will be self-contained, so do not worry if you need to miss a class. Dr. Cox is the retired director of a local graduate school where he taught graduate courses in counseling. Bob is currently an adjunct professor of theology for Barry University and has taught for them for over twenty-five years.
CULINARY TRAVEL: Restaurants have become more global in their diverse offering of cuisines but more local in terms of freshness from area farms. The trend is termed farm to table or farm to fresh and it is proving to be a win-win for growers, restaurants and us patrons. We will explore the trend along with a look at Restaurants that are an attraction in and of themselves due to cuisine, architecture, location, decor or outstanding views. We will also explore the farms, gardens and growing areas that produce the citrus, vegetables and spices to enhance our culinary delights. This is both an International and Local trend. Let your tastebuds be your guide as tour guide Lee Rosenkranz, CTC (Certified Travel Counselor) of Florida Greeters and the Dayaway Travel Club takes you on a culinary adventure throughout Florida and the World.
HOW TO DANCE: Have you ever watched a performance of talented dancers and wished you could do that? Maybe you imagine those dancers were born with a sense of rhythm and movement you just don’t have. Or maybe you want to get up and move, but you just don’t know how. The truth is, good dancers aren’t born, they’re made. You can learn to be a good dancer and enjoy all the benefits that brings you—fun, friends, good exercise and more. Join Jack Blasy and Kathy Brackett as they present selected episodes of The Great Courses, “How to Dance” followed by actual demonstrations of and an opportunity to practice the dance steps just covered.
This course addresses four basic genres of dance—Latin & rhythm, Swing, Smooth & Ballroom, and Country. In each of the four modules, you’ll learn the rhythms of that style, how to count and feel the music, steps each person can practice by themselves, and the specific ways in which the leader and follower contribute to the partnering process. Give this a try. You’ll be glad you did.
9:00 AM
ZUMBA GOLD with Melanie: Join Melanie Matz for a fun & easy to follow group dance class for all ages looking for a modified Zumba class with the moves you love at a lower intensity. We will dance to music from all over the world focusing on cardio and muscle conditioning, incorporating flexibility, balance, range of motion, coordination, and of course, FUN! Wear comfortable clothes and sneakers (not running shoes) and bring water.
THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WAR: This session will look at the events that shocked the world as the Thirteen Colonies defeated the super European power of Eighteenth Century England. We will discuss the events leading to the war, the important leaders of both sides, the major battles, and the outcome. Bill Ross, a retired history teacher of forty years, will be the instructor for the class.
BEGINNING BRIDGE - THIS IS A TWO (2) HOUR CLASS: Marie Gerlach’s session is for those who have never played or need to relearn a lost skill. PLEASE, this is a class for beginning players, not a place for the experienced to practice. Marie will cover the basics: bidding, responding, making a plan, conventions, and practice…practice…practice! Note: There will be no class on 3 May.
OUR CHANGING PLANET: Wonder what’s happening with the weather? Why do we have an eclipse, what is a solar flare and what does it do to our electronic appliances? Did you notice that Miami Dade County has severe flooding and yet we seem to have a dry spell in central Florida?
Facts are: Our planet has shifted 1.5 meters east as it sits on its axis. The sun has been sending strong solar flares to our planet due to this shift. These flares are coming from the sun’s “dark spots” which are extremely hot and produce the strongest of flares. Our planet Earth has produced a new kind of plant life something it last did 2.2 billion years ago but hasn’t done since. This new form of life uses nitrogen in a positive manner to increase plant growth. Mankind too has changed with the energy shifts. Our children and our children’s children have different DNA, karma is no longer an issue for many of them. They can and do think differently. Want to know more? Join Candace Drake as she explores these issues in open discussions about living on a planet during a shift change.
iPHONE BASICS and BEYOND: So, you bought an iPhone but really don’t know how to use it effectively. Debbie Olinick will challenge you to learn the basic functions of your iPhone. It is a phone, a camera, a mailbox, a calendar, filing cabinet and a computer all in one neat package. This class is designed to address the topics you are struggling with daily. Debbie promises to keep it simple. You must have an Apple iPhone 11 or newer to use in class.
10:00 AM
MAHJONGG FOR BEGINNERS and INTERMEDIATE PLAYERS: Mahjongg is a tile-based game that originated in China during the Qing Dynasty. It is commonly played with four players, and is a game of skill, strategy, calculation and involves a degree of chance. Beverly Sheffer, Sally Dunn and Judy Lukeman will host this two-hour class. New players will be given specialized attention to learn the game while the more experienced players will play independently. You are encouraged to bring your own Mahjongg cards.
YOGA AT DAWN: This is a gentle yoga class with mindful movement, breathing, and meditation to calm the mind and body while improving flexibility and strength. Think of it as a mini vacation from everyday life, a gift you give yourself. Comfort and relaxation are key in this class and your personal modifications are welcome. Only a yoga mat or blanket are required. Yoga blocks can be helpful. Our newest instructor, Dawn Tepperman, will be guiding you through this rewarding class.
GAMES PEOPLE PLAY (Hour One): Join Nancy Dennee for games for an experimental two-hour class this session. We play cards as well as board games, and are always interested in learning a new game, playing some games you played when you were younger, or refining your skills in a well-loved game. We’re trying the two-hour class as many games can’t be completed in 1 hour. If a new game is introduced, you get to practice it immediately. So, if you like non-competitive fun and wonderful camaraderie, this is the class for you. Remember, learning new things is good for the brain!
(Continued from 9:00 A.M.)
BEGINNING BRIDGE - THIS IS A TWO (2) HOUR CLASS: Marie Gerlach’s session is for those who have never played or need to relearn a lost skill. PLEASE, this is a class for beginning players, not a place for the experienced to practice. Marie will cover the basics: bidding, responding, making a plan, conventions, and practice…practice…practice!
BUY LOW, SELL HIGH: Please welcome new instructor, John Yoepp, as he introduces this survey course of investing topics of interest to the Shepherd’s Center community. Beginners and advanced investors welcome. Class includes money markets, stocks, bonds, collectables, gold/silver, commodities, portfolios, risk, psychology, taxes and more. Educational purposes only - not investing, financial, legal or tax advice.
11:00 AM
GAMES PEOPLE PLAY (Hour Two): Join Nancy Dennee for games for an experimental two-hour class this session. We play cards as well as board games, and are always interested in learning a new game, playing some games you played when you were younger, or refining your skills in a well-loved game. We’re trying the two-hour class as many games can’t be completed in 1 hour. If a new game is introduced, you get to practice it immediately. So, if you like non- competitive fun and wonderful camaraderie, this is the class for you. Remember, learning new things is good for the brain!
BEGINNING LINE DANCING: Join Vicki Little as she, once again, leads us in the fun and exercise that is Line Dancing. This is a class for both the beginner and the experienced since Vicki introduces something new each week. One of the joys of Line Dancing is it requires no partner, so come join the fun of this low impact exercise.
LOCAL, STATE, AND NATIONAL CURRENT EVENTS: As a former history and civics teacher, as well as a championship Florida high school football coach, Mike Vogt (bio) blitzes the classroom with his arsenal of knowledge about local, state, and national events that shapes the week. He will begin the class discussing beachside current events and moving on to state and national news. Occasionally Mike will detour off on that dreaded p-word (politics). Class participation is highly encouraged!
THE ALZHEIMER’S TRAJECTORY: Whether you are caring for someone with Alzheimer's disease or if you are concerned you will be diagnosed with Alzheimer's, the information presented in this class will help you to understand and prepare for the expected stages of Alzheimer's, including physiological, emotional and cognitive changes. We will discuss practical matters in care giving and care receiving and navigating the medical system while staying whole. New Shepherd’s Center teacher/moderator, Lynn Devlin, hopes this class can be a "conversation starter" that participants can not only learn from, but they can open discussions with their families about future medical care decisions.
QUILLING: Jeanie Grabka will be introducing us to a new art form - Quilling, which is the art of rolling narrow pieces of paper, forming shapes, and gluing them closed. The shapes are then put together to make earrings, greeting card, pictures, or mobiles. The class will make several projects; your imagination is all that is needed. Bring a small pair of scissors and a 12" ruler. Paper, quilling tool and glue will be provided.
(Continued from 10:00 A.M.)
MAHJONGG FOR BEGINNERS and INTERMEDIATE PLAYERS: Mahjongg is a tile-based game that originated in China during the Qing Dynasty. It is commonly played with four players, and is a game of skill, strategy, calculation and involves a degree of chance. Beverly Sheffer, Sally Dunn and Judy Lukeman will host this two-hour class. New players will be given specialized attention to learn the game while the more experienced players will play independently. You are encouraged to bring your own Mahjongg cards.
12:00 AM
LINE DANCING – HIGH BEGINNER/IMPROVER: This class is a follow-on to our beginner class. High beginner adds different steps and Improver is just a little harder. If you are a beginner, you should be able to keep up with us. Don’t let it scare you – Vicki Little wants you to know “Everyone is Welcome!”