Adventures in Learning for Adults
Fall Term September -November 16, 2019
ZUMBA GOLD WITH RO - EXERCIZE IN DISGUIZE: Join Rochelle Lawandales and find your happy place as you dance your way to fitness, having fun, staying healthy while not even realizing you are exercising! This class is designed for everyone, but primarily those new to Zumba, returning to or starting an exercise program – or just wanting to shake it! Designed for “older” folks – this class will have you smiling and shaking.
FLORIDA GARDENING: Fall gardening can give us sustenance with cool weather vegetables and beautiful flowers. In a pot or in the ground plants will perform well in this cooler temperature. Join Jane Mandeville, a 23-year volunteer Master Gardener with the state of Florida for discussion and instruction. “Black thumbs” are welcome and every question is important.
MAGIC FOR EVERYONE: Tom Sanders is again teaching this class for both beginners and the experienced. The class is aimed at anyone interested in entertaining grandchildren and family. The course will cover magic with cards, ropes, coins and other everyday items. Tom introduces new “tricks” each session, so you “old timers” can learn something new. Please bring a deck of “new” cards to the first class.